Industry News
Back-to-school, back-to-business
September is all about re-establishing a pattern and finding your routine.

Why Hire with YourVENUE?
‘Back to school, back to work and back to business…’ – this is what September means to so many of us as we wave goodbye to the long hot summer and return to a bulging inbox and tight deadlines.
Among the things looming on the ‘to do’ list are probably the Staff Christmas Party and planning next year’s Conference or Away Day. The annual Conference or motivational day is an important fixture on a lot of firm’s corporate calendars and a great way to bring aspects of the business into focus. If this is something your company feels it needs but hasn’t explored yet, read on because at YourVENUE, we realise how transformative such an event can be. Hiring our venues means you’ll be working one-to-one with a team who can help you organise everything from the welcome drinks and parking to the entertainment and menus.
Planning for the Future
Future proofing the business is all about learning from the past, listening to customer behaviour and creating the right environment for growth and development. To do this successfully, you need to take your Staff with you and involve them. Taking people out of the workplace and including them in discussions, decision-making and planning is a highly effective way of finding a new direction and motivating your teams. The Conference itself should be a balance between a focused schedule with formal discussions matched with looser, breathing space allowing delegates to mix and enjoy activities which can be as far away from every day office life as possible; people often forget facts but remember experiences – especially if they are geared towards underpinning clear business objectives.

Embrace New Ideas
At YourVENUE, we not only have the spaces for everything from a boardroom to a festival field at our racecourses up and down the UK, but we also have in our armour a host of engaging activities and ideas that have given corporate events an edge making a lasting impression on employees. We can work with you to ensure that once the flip chart and pens have been put aside, delegates can choose from a range of pursuits to inspire and ignite them.
Inspire Your Venue Hire
Investing in creating a memorable experience will not only bring colleagues together but it is a very effective way of reinforcing a clear message. It creates dialogue, promotes team spirit and helps to establish the new priorities throughout the organisation. And, if everyone is involved, the division of hierarchy gets displaced, placing everyone on an equal footing. You may want to consider using external resources like a facilitator, help with décor, theming and AV; if so, we can assist you with any of these needs as part of your hire.
Bringing in a fairground with a summer barbeque or even a circus or live music concert with fireworks is easier than you think – leave it to us, we’ve been doing this for years and our pictures and testimonials demonstrate the transformative effect this can have on everyone.

Embedding a new Shared Vision
So, what should the conference takeaways be? Planning and organising an annual corporate event can be a considerable outlay so you need to determine the ‘why, what and when‘ as the foundation and shape the theme and key messages through the speakers and discussions. Do you have specific deliverables and tangible outcomes? If so, these should also inform the content.
The return on investment from this careful planning will be in the form of:
- Staff gaining a broader perspective of the Business Plan and goals
- Gathering feedback and ideas from discussions with new actions to consider
- Staff feeling motivated and more involved in the business and its future
- A chance to make new connections & for relationships to flourish
- Fostering trust and confidence
These outcomes can have a powerful effect on morale which will ultimately bring success for your organisation. Speak to our Conference Planning Team today so we can help you achieve your longer term business goals through creative ideas and inspired content. | 01342 831793